Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Driver Modem ZTE untuk Windows 7

sebelumnya ane mo ceritain knp ane bikin postingan ky gini... dulu ane emang fanatik ama OS windows XP,,, bermodalkan modem jadul yg dulu ane beli mahalnya minta amplop, ane bisa berselancar ria di dunia maya ini... tp setelah perkenalan ane dengan laptop HP 431 yg udah core i5 (gayanya sok pamer, pdhl laptop blackmarket yg dibeli pun, wkwkwk)
oke dilanjut,,, setelah ane beli laptop baru yg OSnya windows 7, ane langsung jatuh cinta ma ni OS, ternyata gak seribet dan gak seberat yg ane bayangin,,, mungkin dulu gak brani make OS ini dikarenakan CPU ane yg terlalu jadul,,, wkwkwkwk.. tapi ternyata masalahpun datang,,, modem ane yg jadul entu gak suport di windows 7... ohhh tidakkk... masa ane harus beli modem baru,,, mana lg cekak pula isi dompet.. (ekting sedih sambil nyakarin tembok kamar).. tp sodara2, pria tampan yg rupawan ini gak kehabisan akal,, biarpun cuman ampe SMP ane mengenal yg namanya guru,,, ane yakin kalo ane bisa ngatasin masalah sekecil ini... stelah merenung sejenak menunggu wangsit dari penunggu pohon disamping rumah, ide brilian pun datang,,,, otak udah berfikir, tanganpun mulai bergerak... ane pinjem modem dari tetangga sebelah buat nanya ama mbah gugel,,, dan alhasil... tararaaammm... ane nemuin solusinya,,, ternyata modem gw emg terlalu jadul,,, mungkin dibikin waktu jaman pak Harto masih jd presiden,,, jd belom ada tuh yg namanya windows 7... setelah ane dunlud trz ane instal driver yg barusan dikasih tau mbah gugel... langsung ke-detect sodara2 modem jadul ane... wuihhh senangnya bukan kepalang... gak jadi gw banting modem jadul ini... woke siape tau sodara2 ada yg punya masalah yg sama,,, langsung aja dunlud drivernya dibawah ini...

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Facebook Emotions New 2012

langsung aja yak,,, berikut kode2nya...


[[244961858909298]] = A

[[344113652270150]] = B

[[157919817645224]] = C

[[164461493653696]] = D

[[196752423751220]] = E

[[301630573215430]] = F

[[251496118250464]] = G

[[266394220086654]] = H

[[164866556948132]] = I

[[180599335371968]] = J

[[209067005843651]] = K

[[238594039545396]] = L

[[147702285338528]] = M

[[309221402452022]] = N

[[180901405340714]] = O

[[246506925416551]] = P

[[333343613344059]] = Q

[[123128367803569]] = R

[[316143388416019]] = S

[[334073456605673]] = T

[[199626093460643]] = U

[[224202614323263]] = V

[[157919817645224]] = W

[[205228226232732]] = X

[[142420399202282]] = Y

[[224202614323263]] = Z


[[345533462139449]] > ;bete

[[308300382542918]] > ;calm

[[309626999060642]] > ;dan2

[[263022747090798]] > ;hai

[[200102950080196]] > ;hwa

[[158227984284324]] > ;mad

[[114550798664378]] > ;mo

[[299734090065127]] > ;omg

[[350421394973827]] > ;shy

[[208296672587372]] > ;doa

[[157844747656241]] > ;etc

[[158207970952008]] > ;groa

[[241721525896214]] > ;grr

[[113519815433465]] > ;hepi

[[239939099411255]] > ;joke

[[346508562029170]] > ;kdip

[[185298018232820]] > ;mbok

[[[239249926147852]] > ;phew

[[332418196786941]] > ;shok

[[328430820514942]] > ;tear

[[222287944513884]]] > ;we

[[164481350318329]] > ;win

[[330544910308348]] > ;zzz

[[267658843290223]] > ;hoeh

[[180154485416003]] > ;:)

[[221390677938174]] > ;swet

[[269394746450013]] > ;TT

[[222023621206273]] > ;uhuk

[[346372985378735]] > ;luph

[[187322684697844]] > ;tida

[[208533842565519]] > ;cuih

[[266659030060927]] > ;down


[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[203443053077888]] = I Love Kaskus
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[guengakak]] = Ngakak
[[171108522930776]] = trollface
[[foreveralonecomics]] = forever alone.
[[MegustaMeMe]] = Me Gusta.
[[149333368464171]] = Yao.
[[145768898802324]] = FUUUUUU.
[[168456309878025]] = LoL.
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap.
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO.
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here.
[[129627277060203]] = Poker Face.
[[160723207280093]] = Are you f*cking kidding me?
[[ChallengeAceptado]] = challenge Accepted.See More.



Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

instal microsoft office di laptop gak bisa?? begini solusinya

Assalamuallaikum Wr Wb...
selamat siang menjelang sore sodara2 sebangsa dan setanah air,, ane ngeBLOG lagi sodara2,, stelah vakum beberapa abad dikarenakan kesibukan yg sangat mendalam (wkwkwk, kata2ne lebay).. baiklah, sekian posting ane kali ini, wassalamm...
*bahhh...!!!! apa2an posting kok cuman sekali baca abiz,,, lg ngidam ditimpuk bata ama yg baca nih yg nulis...* hahaha,,, oke2 yg tadi becanda,, skrg serius,,, emg akhir2 ini ane sibuk banget,, nyoba ngembangin hoby seputar komputer, sape tau bisa kaya raya (lg menghayal).. ane ceritain dikit kesibukan ane sehari2, bangun tidur nyapu, ngepel, biz itu belanja dipasar... eh ehhh,,, maaf, salah tulis, barusan itu jadwal harian bini ane,,, wkwkwkwk... yg bener tiap hari ane harus ngadepin komputer/leptop yg agak2 meriang,,, nginstal leptop sehari kadang gak cuman sebiji,,, pernah ampe 15 biji,,, bayangin aja, nginstal 1 leptop bisa 1 jam, nah kalo 15biji ente kali'in sendiri dah,,, itupun belum nyari driver yg cocok... kadang ampe 2 jam lebih baru kelar nginstal 1 leptop, maklum lah, koneksi internet yg super leled jd penghambat juga buat nyari driver, pdhl udah punya senjata ampuh driver pack 2011, kadang masih gak tembus juga drivernya... pernah juga kemaren dibikin pening gara2 nginstal netbuk acer,, stelah siap di instal ternyata gak mau di instal microsoft office,, pertama ane mikirnya waktu nginstal windowsnya ada yg korup,,, ane ulang ampe 3 kali masih aja ky gitu,,, tiap di instal office tetep gak mau,,, keteranganya eror gitu, tulisanya pake bahasa inggris pula,,, untung aja ane orangnya pinter, jd tau artinya... intinya windows gak bisa update file sistemnya... pasti pada kagum kan?? ya iyalah ane tau artinya, lha wong tak translate nang mbah gugeL, wkwkwk... lanjut ke persoalan,,, setelah ane merenung sejenak,,, akhirnya dapet wangsit,,, wangsit tersebut lagi2 nyuruh ane nanya ama mbah gugeL,,, alhasil,,, ane tau biang masalahnya,,, ternyata guampang... ada 1 file yg harus dimasukan ke C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\40\bin yakni file fp4autl.dll
file tersebut bisa didapatkan di toko2 terdekat,,, eh salah,,, maksudnya bisa didapatkan dari komputer lain yg sudah terinstall office dengan OS yang sama pada folder di atas. Jika di komputer lain tidak ada, sodara2 bisa mendapatkan file ini di CD Windows XP yg sodara2 gunakan untuk install. Tersembunyi dalam file cab / rar di folder I386 CD Windows anda. huahhhhhh,,,, ngantuk juga,,, waktunya bobok siang sodara2,,, sekian dulu posting kali ini,,, bila ada salah kata yg bikin sodara2 emosi,,, pukul aja orang sebelah....

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Camfrog 6.1.146 PRO..!!!!

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

IDM 6.07 build 12

password: ku2nt

cara instal:
•download file setelah itu extract, masukin passwordnya (ku2nt)
•buka folder hasil extract tadi, lalu instal IDM (klik 2x file idman607)
•stelah di instal jangan jalanin dulu IDMnya, kalo udah dibuka ya di exit aja dulu
•langkah selanjutnya buka folder SND (hasil extract tadi) kemudian copy file SnDk&p, lalu pastekan di C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager
•buka file SnDk&p yg udah dipaste tadi, ada 3 pilihan, jika IDM anda sudah diblockir, tekan #2 (clear previous registration data), kemudian anda tekan #1 (patch server check), kemudian copy serial numbernya..
•jalankan IDM, klik registration, first name-last name-email isi terserah, serial number paste dari patch tadi...

Senin, 12 September 2011

Windows Orient XP 2011

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Anti Netcut Penangkal Netcut

Seperti halnya sebuah penyakit, pada umumnya memiliki obat atau penangkalnya masing2. Begitu juga dengan netcut. Nama software penangkalnya sendiri tidak jauh-jauh dari nama penyakitnya, yaitu Anti Netcut.

Dengan menggunakan antinetcut, maka dijamin Anda akan terhindar dari orang-orang iseng yang menggunakan netcut untuk mengusai bandwidth atau sekedar ingin mengerjai user lainnya. Bahkan kita bisa mengetahui siapa yang sedang menggunakan/menjalankan netcut dalam jaringan tersebut.

Oke, supaya tidak berpanjang lebar, silahkan download anti netcut-nya di SINI. Setelah itu instal softwarenya di komputer Anda. Jangan lupa jalankan anti netcutnya setiap Anda terhubung ke sebuah jaringan hotspot atau LAN, supaya terbebas dari serangan software netcut.

Yang perlu Anda sadari adalah, software semacam ini (netcut) layaknya sebuah virus, yang selalu berada selangkah di depan dari anti virus itu sendiri. Jadi, selalu pastikan Anti Netcut yang Anda gunakan adalah versi atau update-an terbaru.

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Software Pengusir Nyamuk, Lalat, Tikus, Semut, Kecoa dan beberapa jenis serangga lainnya

Ubah Tampilan Login/Logout XP Menjadi Windows 7

Ini adalah trik untuk merubah tampilan login/logout xp menjadi windows 7 dan cara ini juga tidak membuat PC menjadi berat, cara untuk merubahnya yaitu :
-download dulu file yg diperlukan
-masuk ke folder windows, klik resources lalu buat folder baru dengan nama LOGON
-copy file logonUI.exe (hasil download tadi) ke folder LOGON yang baru saja di buat
-kopi 2 file .reg dari folder reg (hasil download tadi) ke folder LOGON.
-lalu jalankan file install.reg, klik yes, lalu ok
-lalu log off PC, tanpa perlu restart

Kamis, 01 September 2011

Download Plugin PhotoShop (my collections)

ToonIt! 2.51

Noise Ninja 2.2.0

Noise Ninja is the most effective and productive solution for removing noise and grain from digital photographs and scanned film images. It is a must-have tool for anyone shooting in low-light or fast-action situations -- including news, sports, wedding, and event coverage -- where high ISO photography is required and the resulting noise compromises the image.

In addition, it can produce cleaner, smoother enlargements from low-ISO images.
Buat Profile Digicamnya bisa didonlot dimari :

Perfectly Clear Plugin 1.5.5
Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in (WIN) instantly gives you one click photo correction perfection. Simply load the Plug-in and your selected photo will be automatic corrected. It works on both 8 bit and 16 bit images within Photoshop (raws are converted using Adobe Camera Raw). All the same corrections and presets available in our stand-alone are also available in our Plug-in.

Nik Software

Toy Camera AnalogColor

Tiffen Dfx V2. for Adobe Photoshop

The company produces a wide range of Tiffen filters for the established objectives updated Dfx V2. Plug-In Editions - software system is being implemented as a plug-in Adobe Photoshop & Elements consisting of more than 2000 different filters, special effects, prisetov, gels, including the simulation of many popular glass filters realistic simulating the effect of filters for color and density, three-dimensional image characteristic of diffusion filters.

Version: V2.
Developer: Tiffen
Compatibility with Vista: Yes
System Requirements: Windows XP Pro, XP Home, Vista or Windows 7

DxO Optics Pro v6.2.0 Build 7826

Key features:
• Optical photo correction
• Converting RAW files to other graphic formats
• Optimize species photographs
• Excellent work with the distortions and distortsiey caused by the optics
• Removal of various noise, dust and other distortions
• Easy to use thought-out interface
• Ability to work with Photoshop, Lightroom and Flickr

New in version 6:
• Improved image quality at high ISO
• Improved tools for correction of optical defects
• Automatic restoration of exposure for the most difficult subjects
• Completely redesigned and more intuitive interface
• Personalization of the interface to improve productivity
• Support for new cameras and lenses
• Improved performance of the overall program.

Unified Color HDR Expose v1.1.0.6703 win32+64

HDR Expose – Key Features

* Includes stand alone application as well as plug-ins for Aperture and Adobe Lightroom
* Cross platform design for Windows and Macintosh operating systems
* Full support for 64-bit computing architecture (x64) on Mac and Windows.
* HDR image brightness histogram with visible range indicator and digital readout for RGB and Bch values
* Based on Unified Color's patented Beyond RGB™ color model, allowing for tonal adjustments without color shifts or halos
* Dynamically control workflow with "HDR Image Tools" side panel
* Adjust HDR tonal range with Brightness/Contrast, Local Contrast, Shadow/Highlight and Veiling Glare correction tools
* Adjust HDR color with White Balance, Saturation and Selective Color Tuning Controls
* Best of class halo reduction algorithms
* Perform Sharpening and Noise Reduction on 32-bit Images
* Single click Dynamic Range Mapping tool
* Save favorite settings as presets
* Save favorite processing steps as recipes to apply to other images
* Supports working with multiple open images via tabbed document interface
* Refined parameters for extreme adjustments to Veiling Glare and Dark Noise reduction
* Selectively adjust hue, chroma and brightness values for up to three separate colors in Color Tuning tool
* Supports RAW files from most popular DSLR cameras also adds improved merge algorithms for extreme recovery of color data from JPEG/TIFF sources
* State-of-the-art merge procedure produces highly precise image alignment
* Improved de-ghosting algorithms with 3 options: natural, sharp edge & smooth edge
* Preserve 32-bit files by saving them in .Bef, Radiance .HDR format, OpenEXR, or TIFF formats

Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop 3.2
untuk detail klik disini
Pass :

Magic Bullets Photolook 1.5
untuk detail klik disini
Pass :